
TDT offers the most dynamic, high performing Amplifiers on the market. For more detailed information, see the technical specifications for each device or contact TDT Sales today.

Part # Target Applications Sampling Rate Channels Impedance Special Features
PZ5 Analog – All electrophysiology recordings
– Multi-modal recordings
~50 kHz 32, 64, 96 or 128 High & Low – Impedance testing
– Oversampling
– AC or DC coupling
– Touchscreen
– High configurability
PZ5 Digital – Electrophysiology w/ high impedance electrodes
– Awake, behaving animals
~50 kHz 32 – 256 High – For use with Intan-based digital headstages
PZ5M – High channel count ECoG
– High-density, multi-electrode recordings
~50 kHz 256 or 512 High & Low – All PZ5 features
– Medical isolation
– Rack mountable
PZ2 – Electrophysiology w/ high impedance electrodes
– Single unit/multi-unit LFPs
~50 kHz 32, 64, 96,
128 or 256
High – Optically isolated
– Battery powered
Medusa4Z – ABRs
– Low channel count recording
~25 kHz 4 High – All Medusa features
– Lower noise floor
Medusa (RAxPA) – ABRs
– Low channel count recording
~25 kHz 4 or 16 High – Optically isolated
– Battery powered