
Faces of Science: Margo Straka

Published: September 22, 2021

Early Career Spotlight: Faces of Science highlights early career neuroscientists, particularly BIPOC and women researchers.

Customer Spotlight: Dr. Ranu Jung, Part 2

Published: September 08, 2021

PART 2 [ see Part 1 ] Dr Ranu Jung is with the Adaptive Neural Systems (ANS) Lab at Florida International University (FIU), which focuses on developing and utilizing new scientific knowledge and engineering technology to address the complex physiological, medical, and societal problems presented by neurological disability.

Publication Spotlight: ANS Lab

Published: May 19, 2021

  Congratulations to Andres Pena and the ANS Lab at Florida International University for their recent publication in the Journal of Neural Engineering!

Other Topics:  
PZ5 |  fMRI |  NAc |  RZ5P |  dopamine |  dLight |  Lab Rat |  EMG |  post-natal |  customer spotlight |  sleep studies |  events |  publication spotlight |  auditory research |  fiber photometry |  early career spotlight