Publication Spotlight: Wesson Lab
November 19, 2020
Congratulations to Katherine Wright and the Wesson lab on their recent publication, which explored the differences in neural recruitment between the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and the adjacent tublar striatum (TuS) during goal-directed behavior. The subregions were found to have distinct representations, with TuS neural activity predicting reward-seeking and NAc predicting reward-taking.
The Wesson lab studies the neural processing of the olfactory system in the context of behavior. They use TDT’s digital electrophysiology (RZ5P/RZ10X and PZ5: 32-ch digital), compatible with the Intan headstage, as well as TDT’s fiber photometry (RZ5P/RZ10X).

KN Wright, DW Wesson. “The Tubular striatum and nucleus accumbens distinctly represent reward-taking and reward-seeking”. J Neurophysiol 2021. doi: 10.1152/jn.00495.2020.
Tags: publication spotlight, fiber photometry