
RZ2 Data streamer (RS3)

The RS3 is an enhanced DSPR card that can be installed in the RZ2 device.  Further multiple DSPR cards can be installed with each card able to stream 256 channels at 25K.  The data is streamed back to the main ‘Synapse’ computers data tank folder instead of a second RS device.  This offers a big advantage during experimentation and simplifies data handling issues.


  • High-channel count electrophysiology data captured directly onto research system
  • No manual transferring of data from secondary system after recording
  • Offloads streaming high-channel count data to the computer of your choice
  • Inboard replacement for the RS4 data streamer

Research Uses

Product Specs

  • High-channel electrophysiology for use with real-time interface
  • Designed for use with analogue amplifiers
  • Float 32 bandwidth
  • Stream 256 channels at 25K
  • Add additional cards for higher channel count and higher sampling rate
  • USB-C interface with direct connect to computer of your choice