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PZ5 NeuroDigitizer Amplifier

TDT provides integrated software and hardware solutions for any type of physiological recording. The PZ5 amplifier can record single unit electrophysiology, EEG recordings, muscle physiology, and more.

Synapse software easily controls the settings of the PZ5 for optimal recordings for any experimental setup, and the PZ5 connects to any TDT RZ processor.

The flexible architecture of the PZ5 has inputs for standard analog headstages as well as Intan-based digitizing headstages.

Research Uses

Product Specs


Use sub amplifiers to optimize your recording paradigm

Simultaneously record from multiple signal types, regions, or animals by splitting the PZ5 into sub amplifiers in Synapse. Each sub amplifier is medically isolated and has its own reference and ground. This unique design minimizes electrical noise and artifacts.

Record from multiple signal types and regions

Each sub amplifier can be used to record from different signal and electrode types. For example, with motor control experiments, the PZ5 has a separate sub amplifier for recording from the motor cortex (i.e. intracortical electrodes), the spinal cord (i.e. nerve cuff electrodes), and the muscles (i.e. EMG electrodes)

For other types of cortical recordings, the sub amplifier function allows you to simultaneously record from different cortical regions – such as V1, V4 and the thalamus – or from different locations in the sensory system – such as the auditory nerve and auditory cortex.


Record Other Neurophysiological Signals | TDT's Fiber Photometry System

Record from multiple animals

TDT’s PZ5 is the only amplifier that can record concurrently from multiple animals. The sub amplifier setup and true differential configuration eliminates cross talk and noise issues when recording from multiple animals.

The system is perfect for low channel count sleep or epilepsy studies that record 2-4 channels in multiple animals. The true differential amplifier setting can record from EEG electrodes and EMG electrodes at the same time.


Record from Multiple Subjects | TDT's Fiber Photometry System


Easily Configure the PZ5 with Synapse

Synapse provides a simple interface for all the low-level components of the PZ5 amplifier. Select the PZ5 in Synapse and adjust the parameters for:

  • The number of recording channels
  • The recording signal type (single unit, LFP, EEG or EMG)
    • The sampling rate
    • AC or DC coupled recording
    • Reference mode
    • Proper filter configurations
  • The sub amplifier option for recording multiple signal types

The Power of TDT Engineering

The PZ5 is the next generation of amplifiers. It has excellent signal-to-noise and can record signals of less than a microvolt.

This is done by oversampling the signal at one megahertz to create the largest dynamic range of any amplifier – over 122 dBV of input range. Then, the input range is boosted to 1 V to minimize amplifier saturation caused by electrical stimulation or artifacts generated by an MRI scanner (as seen in the figure).

Our engineers go the extra mile; the PZ5 has integrated impedance testing* for your electrodes and can save the impedance values before and after your recording sessions.

*Requires passive or digital headstage

Digitize the signal at the headstage

Digitizing at the headstage is the latest trend in neuroscience and results in fewer wires and a lighter cable. It also decreases motion artifact that is induced during free-moving recordings when the cable moves.

Record and stream from 32 to 256 channels using the PZ5 and multiple digitizing inputs. The PZ5 interfaces directly to digitizing headstages, and each input easily connects to our digitizing ZIF-clip (ZD32, ZD64, ZD96 and ZD128) and Omnetics (OD32) headstages.

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