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iRn IR Driver Interface


The iR5/iR10 is a specialized interface for up to five or ten infrared sensor beams. This module has built-in power and logical connections to drive external IR sensors. It sends TTL events whenever the subject crosses the beam, without the need for any external signal processing.

  • Manual trigger buttons for each IR port simplify testing and debugging
  • Status lights for each IR beam monitor subject movement during sessions.

For information on software control of the iRn, see the Synapse Manual.


The iRn connects to a manifold via a DB25 cable.

iR5M Molex Manifold

iR5m-RJ RJ22 Manifold


The iRSD38 is a 38kHz IR driver and sensor combination that connects to the iR5m-RJ / iR10m-RJ manifolds to form a beam break. The drivers have a red band around them and the sensors have a blue band. The modules have two mounting holes for flathead #4 screws. Standard cable length is 42".

iRSD38 Sensor and Driver

Output Power

The IR LED output power is adjustable through Synapse software configuration (1-8). This adjusts an in-line resistor value from 4 kOhm to 500 Ohm. Power output depends on this power setting and the voltage drop of the LED. The table below shows the supply current for a typical IR LED with a 1.4 V voltage drop.

Setting Supply Current (mA)
1 0.9
2 2.7
3 4.5
4 6.3
5 8.1
6 9.9
7 11.7
8 13.5

Sensor Input

The sensor power output has a 10 ohm resistor in line. The output voltage changes with the current draw as follows:

Current Draw (mA) Voltage
1 3.29
3 3.27
10 3.2
30 3
100 2.3
300 0.3

Receiver Pinout

img img
iR5M / iR10M iR5m-RJ / iR10m-RJ
Pin Name Description
V+ Sensor power +3.3 V with 10 Ohm in-line resistor
G Ground
S Sensor Sensor output

When the Sensor output is pulled low, it triggers the event.

Driver Pinout

img img
iR5M / iR10M iR5m-RJ / iR10m-RJ
Pin Name Description
V+ Driver voltage +5 V output with a variable in-line resistor
T Toggle line Determines if power output is on