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Low Impedance Headstages

RA4LI - Four Channel Headstage

The RA4LI headstage is designed for low impedance electrodes with input impedance between <1 kOhm and 20 kOhm. Electrode connectors are standard 1.5 mm safety connectors making it easy to connect to standard needle and surface electrodes for recording evoked potentials and EEG's. The headstage connects directly to the RA4PA Medusa preamplifier's 25-pin connector. A built-in impedance checker can be used to test each channel and the reference. Additional 20x gain on the headstage improves signal-to-noise of low voltage signals.

Impedance Checking with the Low-Impedance Headstage

The impedance checker on the RA4LI provides a simple check of the channel impedance relative to ground. To check the impedance level, press the button next to the channel indicator. The highest-level light indicates the maximum impedance between the channel and the ground. If all impedance lights are illuminated it is likely that one of the channels is not properly connected. The (-) impedance button checks the impedance between the reference (black connector) and the ground (green connector).

Headstage Voltage Range

When using a TDT preamplifier the voltage input range of the preamplifier (PZ5, Subject Interface, RA16PA) is typically lower than the headstage and must be considered the effective range of the system. Also keep in mind that the output range of the headstage varies depending on the power supply provided by the preamplifier. PZ5 and Subject Interface supply ±2.5 V. PZ2 and RA16PA preamplifiers supply ±1.5 V. Third party preamplifiers may vary. TDT recommends using preamplifiers which deliver ±2.5 V or less. The table below lists the input voltage ranges for the RA4LI headstage for either ±1.5 V or ±2.5 V power sources.

Power Source Headstage Input Range
±1.5 V ±33 mV
±2.5 V ±80 mV

RA4LI Technical Specifications

Input referred noise 0.1 uVrms bandwidth 300-3000 Hz
0.3 uVrms bandwidth 2-8000 Hz
Headstage Gain 20x
Highpass Filter 2.2 Hz
Lowpass Filter 7.5 kHz
Input Impedance 1e6 ohms

RA16LI - 16 Channel Headstage

The sixteen channel low impedance headstage (RA16LI) is a high quality, low- impedance headstage designed for recording high channel count EEG's.

The RA16LI headstage is designed for low impedance electrodes and electrode caps with input impedance between <1 kOhm and 20 kOhm. Either headstage unit connects to the Medusa preamplifier's 25-pin connector. The simple interface to the RA16PA preamplifier makes it easy to connect your electrodes to our system.

An adapter is also available to connect a low impedance headstage to a PZ preamplifier. See Preamplifier Adapters for more information. A built-in impedance checker can be used to test each channel and the reference. Additional 20x gain on the headstage improves signal-to-noise of low voltage signals.

Impedance Checking with the Low-Impedance Headstage

The impedance checker on the RA16LI provides a simple check of the channel impedance relative to ground. To check the impedance level, press the button next to the channel indicator. The highest-level light indicates the maximum impedance between the channel and the ground. If all impedance lights are illuminated it is likely that one of the channels is not properly connected. The (-) impedance button checks the impedance between the reference and the ground.

Headstage Voltage Range

When using a TDT preamplifier the voltage input range of the preamplifier (PZ5, Subject Interface, RA16PA) is typically lower than the headstage and must be considered the effective range of the system. Also keep in mind that the output range of the headstage varies depending on the power supply provided by the preamplifier. PZ5 and Subject Interface supply ±2.5 V. PZ2 and RA16PA preamplifiers supply ±1.5 V. Third party preamplifiers may vary. TDT recommends using preamplifiers which deliver ±2.5 V or less. The table below lists the input voltage ranges for the RA16LI headstage for either ±1.5 V or ±2.5 V power sources.

Power Source Headstage Input Range
±1.5 V ±33 mV
±2.5 V ±80 mV

RA16LI Technical Specifications

Input referred noise 0.1 uVrms bandwidth 300-3000 Hz
0.3 uVrms bandwidth 2-8000 Hz
Headstage Gain 20x
Highpass Filter 2.2 Hz
Lowpass Filter 7.5 kHz
Input Impedance 1e6 ohms

Electrode Connector Pinout

The electrode connector is a 25-pin connector. Information on the pin inputs is provided below.


Pins 6, 14, 17, 18 and 19 are not connected.

Pin Name Description Pin Name Description
1 A1 Analog Input Channels 14 NA Not Used
2 A2 15 GND Ground
3 A3 16 GND
4 A4 17 NA Not Used
5 Ref Reference 18 NA Headstage Detect
6 NA Not Used 19 NA
7 A5 Analog Input Channels 20 A6 Analog Input Channels
8 A7 21 A8
9 A9 22 A10
10 A11 23 A12
11 A13 24 A14
12 A15 25 A16
13 GND Ground

RA16LI-D - 16 Channel Headstage with Differential

The RA16LI-D headstage is designed for fully differential recordings from low impedance electrodes and electrode caps with input impedance between <1 kOhm and 20 kOhm. It connects to the Medusa preamplifier's 25-pin connector. The simple interface to the RA16PA preamplifiers makes it easy to connect your electrodes to our system. An adapter is also available to connect a low impedance headstage to a PZ preamplifier. See DBF-MiniDBM Low Impedance Headstage to PZ Preamplifier (16-channels) for more information.

The differential inputs allow for improved common mode rejection on all channels. Because of the increased complexity of the circuitry, the RA16LI-D does not have impedance checking. The headstage connector is a DB44. The pin out diagram is shown below.

Headstage Voltage Range

When using a TDT preamplifier the voltage input range of the preamplifier is typically lower than the headstage and must be considered the effective range of the system. Check the specifications of your amplifier for voltage range.

RA16LI-D Technical Specifications

Input referred noise 0.1 uVrms bandwidth 300-3000 Hz
0.3 uVrms bandwidth 2-8000 Hz
Headstage Gain 20x
Highpass Filter 2.2 Hz
Lowpass Filter 7.5 kHz
Input Impedance 1e6 ohms

Pinout Diagram


Pins 1, 21-24 and 39 are not connected.

Pin Name Description Pin Name Description
1 NA Not Used 23 NA Not Used
2 A2 Analog Input 24 NA
3 D3 Differential Input 25 GND Ground
4 D5 26 GND
5 A5 Analog Input 27 D12 Differential Input
6 A7 28 A14 Analog Input
7 A8 29 A15
8 A9 30 D16 Differential Input
9 D9 Differential Input 31 D1
10 A10 Analog Input 32 A3 Analog Input
11 A11 33 D4 Differential Input
12 A12 34 GND Ground
13 D13 Differential Input 35 D6 Differential Input
14 GND Ground 36 D7
15 A16 Analog Input 37 D8
16 A1 38 GND Ground
17 D2 Differential Input 39 NA Not Used
18 A4 Analog Input 40 D10 Differential Input
19 GND Ground 41 D11
20 A6 Analog Input 42 A13 Analog Input
21 NA Not Used 43 D14 Differential Input
22 NA 44 D15