Plot Settings
Plots can be modified using the Setup Properties dialog box. When plots are grouped, setting changes can be made to all plots in the group.
Plot settings are grouped into parameter groups. The available settings are similar for each plot type. Settings unique to a plot type can generally be found under the Common and Behavior parameter groups.
Plot Setting Parameter Groups
Plot Settings Reference
About the Plot Settings Reference
The Plot Settings Reference corresponds to a parameter group in the properties dialog box.
How To Find These Settings Settings in this reference are available in the properties dialog boxes. To open the properties dialog box for a plot, double-click the plot in the grid area of OpenScope.
Colors Parameter Group
Category Coloring: Set how the trace colors will be applied.
None: The color set in the Trace Color value box will be applied to all traces.
By Channel: The color of traces will be automatically assigned by channel.
By Sortcode: The color of traces will be automatically assigned by sortcode.
Trace (or Dot) Color: Select the trace color from a color palette. This selected color is only used if Category Coloring is set to None.
Plot Border Color: Select the plot border color from a color palette.
Foreground Color: Select the foreground color from a color palette.
Background Color: Select the trace color from a color palette.
Font Color: Select the font color from a color palette.
MultiChannel Grid Color: Select the multi-channel grid color from a color palette.
Filtering Parameter Group
Filter On: Select the check box to enable an FIR filter algorithm using FIR parameters provided in CoefB0-B4. Clear the check box to disable the filter.
CoefB0 - 4: Type a coefficient.
Multi View Parameter Group
Multi-View Enabled: Select the check box to view each channel, or sort code, of data in an individual plot.
Num Views: Set the number of channels or sorts to view in a multi-view plot. If data contains more than 16 channels or sorts the value must be increased to show all data.
Num Columns: Set the number of columns in which multi-view plots are arranged.
View By: Channel or Sort. Sorts are generated in the RPvdsEx circuit.
View Index Offset: Starting channel or sort is the View Index Offset value +1.
For example: To begin viewing data with channel 3, set the View Index Offset value at 2.
Show View Index: Index is Channel or Sort Code and is determined by the View By value.
Refresh Control Parameter Group
Refresh Epoch Name: Define the refresh epoch, or indexed event. Click the value box to
view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded by an
epoch event icon. When a refresh epoch event is defined the plot will be refreshed based
on the epoch value according to the settings in the Refresh Control parameter group.
Strobe Epoch Low Range: Set the low value for a range in which the plot will be refreshed according to the defined refresh epoch. Leave at the default value of 0 if a range will not be used.
If the scalar value read from the tank for the defined refresh epoch event is greater than the Strobe Epoch Low Range value then the plot is refreshed. If not, new data is added along with older data.
Strobe Epoch High Range: Set the high value for a range in which the plot will be refreshed according to the defined refresh epoch. Leave at the default value of -1 if a range will not be used.
If the scalar value read from the tank for the defined refresh epoch event is less than the Strobe Epoch High Range value then the plot is refreshed. If not, new data is added along with older data.
Refresh on Change: Select the check box to refresh the plot when the scalar value associated with the defined refresh epoch changes.
This setting can be used with the range settings to create a range in which the plot will be refreshed on change.
Refresh Period: Set a time value for the refresh period in seconds.
Scaling Parameter Group
X / Y-Axis Range: Type a value to set the range for the X / Y - axis.
X / Y-Axis Symmetry: Select the check box to ensure that a symmetrical X/Y-axis range will be displayed. This is ideal for signals that are expected to be symmetrical.
Auto Scale: The plot can be set to automatically scale during animation to ensure that the data can always be viewed in a convenient scale.
None: Auto Scale is turned off.
Active: The scale of the plot is automatically adjusted to ensure all values can be shown on the plot.
Smart: The scale of the plot is automatically adjusted to ensure values can be shown on the plot only during the first 3 seconds.
Up-Scale Hist.: When Auto Scale is used, this value sets the number of points above the Y-axis range that the signal must reach before scaling will occur.
Down-Scale Hist.: When Auto Scale is used, this value sets the number of points below half of the Y-axis range a signal must fall before scaling will occur.
X-Axis Setup Parameter Group
Show X Labels: Select the check box to display a unit label for the x-axis. Clear the check box to hide the x-axis label.
X-Axis Unit: Set name for units that will appear as part of the plot label.
X-Axis Units Factor: Define a multiplication factor to convert x-axis units to valid value for the units label.
X-Axis Offset: Define the starting value for the x-axis.
Y-Axis Setup Parameter Group
Show Y Labels: Select the check box to display a unit label for the y-axis. Clear the heck box to hide the y-axis label.
Y-Axis Units: Set name for units that will appear as part of the plot label.
Y-Axis Units Factor: Define a multiplication factor to convert y-axis units to valid value for the units label.
Behavior Parameter Group
Activity Behavior Parameters
Color at Min: Select the color to be displayed when activity is at defined Min Value. Color for values between Min and Max Values are generated using a proportional mix of the defined Colors at Min and Max.
Color at Max: Select the color to be displayed when activity is at defined Min Value. Color for values between Min and Max Values are generated using a proportional mix of the defined Colors at Min and Max.
Min Value: Enter the number of spike to be defined as the minimum value, which is represented by the defined Color at Min.
Max Value: Enter the number of spike to be defined as the maximum value, which is represented by the defined Color at Max.
Show Num Trace: Select the check box to display the number of events in the activity cell. Clear the check box to hide the number label.
Chart Behavior Parameters
Time Span: Set the time range, in seconds and according to the time stamp, to be displayed on the X-axis.
Feature Behavior Parameters
Cloud Points: Set the minimum number of points to display. The maximum number of cloud points will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
X-Axis Feature: Select from a drop down list. Choices are Peak 1, Peak 2, Peak to Peak Time, and Area.
Y-Axis Feature: Select from a drop down list. Choices are Peak 1, Peak 2, Peak to Peak Time, and Area.
Histogram Behavior Parameters
TimeRef Epoch Name: Defines the epoch, or indexed event, that will be used for the
raster rows. Click the value box to view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded
by an epoch event icon.
Respect TRef Duration: When checked the plot's X-axis scale is equal to the duration of the epoch event selected in the TimeRef Epoch Name setting.
TRef Epoch Low Range: Use to set the low value for the X-axis range according to the defined TimeRef epoch event. As data is animated, the next data will only be displayed if the associated epoch event value is greater than or equal to the low range value. Leave at default value of 0 if a range will not be used.
TRef Epoch High Range: Use to set the high value for the X-axis range according to the defined TimeRef epoch event. As data is animated, the next data will only be displayed if the associated epoch event value is less than or equal to the high range value. Leave at default value of -1 if a range will not be used.
Time Span: Define the time span if the Respect TRef Duration check box is cleared. The X-axis will be equal to the value set for Time Span divided by the value set for Bin Width.
Bin Width: Define the Bin Width. The X-axis will be equal to the value set for Time Span divided by the value set for Bin Width.
Pile Behavior Parameters
Pile Depth: Set the minimum number of traces that will be displayed. The maximum number of traces will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
Raster Behavior Parameters
Raster Rows: Select the number of rows to display.
TimeRef Epoch Name: Defines the epoch, or indexed event, that will be used for the
raster rows. Click the value box to view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded
by an epoch event icon.
Respect TRef Duration: When checked the plot's X-axis scale is equal to the duration of the epoch event selected in the TimeRef Epoch Name setting.
TRef Epoch Low Range: Use to set the low value for the X-axis range according to the defined TimeRef epoch event. As data is animated, the next data will only be displayed if the associated epoch event value is greater than the low range value. Leave at default value of 0 if a range will not be used.
TRef Epoch High Range: Use to set the high value for the X-axis range according to the defined TimeRef epoch event. As data is animated, the next data will only be displayed if the associated epoch event value is less than the high range value. Leave at default value of -1 if a range will not be used.
Time Span: Define the maximum value of the X-axis using a time stamp value if the Respect TRef Duration check box is cleared.
Scroll Behavior Parameters
Scroll Sections: Set the number of sections to display before scrolling.
XY Behavior Parameters
Cloud Points: Set the minimum number of points to display. The maximum number of cloud points will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
Common Parameter Group
Activity Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Color at Min: Select the color to be displayed when activity is at defined Min Value. Color for values between Min and Max Values are generated using a proportional mix of the defined Colors at Min and Max.
Color at Max: Select the color to be displayed when activity is at defined Min Value. Color for values between Min and Max Values are generated using a proportional mix of the defined Colors at Min and Max.
Min Value: Enter the number of spike to be defined as the minimum value, which is represented by the defined Color at Min.
Max Value: Enter the number of spike to be defined as the maximum value, which is represented by the defined Color at Max.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Refresh Epoch Name: Define the refresh epoch, or indexed event. Click the value box
to view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded by an
epoch event icon. When a refresh epoch event is defined the plot will be refreshed based
on the epoch value according to the settings in the Refresh Control parameter group.
Chart Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
Time Span: Set the time range, in seconds and according to the time stamp, to be displayed on the X-axis.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Feature Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
Cloud Points: Set the minimum number of points to display. The maximum number of cloud points will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
X-Axis Feature: Select from a drop down list. Choices are Peak 1, Peak 2, Peak to Peak Time, and Area.
Y-Axis Feature: Select from a drop down list. Choices are Peak 1, Peak 2, Peak to Peak Time, and Area.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Histogram Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
TimeRef Epoc Name: Define the epoch, or indexed event, that will be used for the
vertical bars. Click the value box to view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded
by an strobe/indexed
event icon.
Time Span: Define the time span. The X-axis will be equal to the value set for Time Span divided by the value set for Bin Width.
Bin Width: Define the Bin Width. The X-axis will be equal to the value set for Time Span divided by the value set for Bin Width.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Pile Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
Pile Depth: Set the minimum number of traces that will be displayed. The maximum number of traces will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels ill be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Raster Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
Raster Rows: Select the number of rows to display.
TimeRef Epoc Name: Defines the epoch, or indexed event, that will be used for the
raster rows. Click the value box to view a list of events. Valid choices are preceded
by an strobe/indexed event icon.
Time Span: Define the maximum value of the X-axis using a time stamp value.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Scroll Common Parameters
Source Name: Select the data event (Store name) from the currently selected tank.
Source Channel: Selects the channel for viewing. To view a single channel of data enter the desired channel number. To view multiple channels set to 0 and enable multi view.
Scroll Sections: Selects the number of scroll sections to display.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi-view for viewing multiple channels. When Multi View is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display. Leave this value set to 1 to see one channel per row.
Confine Plotting Data In Cell Boundary: When the checkbox is selected, plot data will not cross its cell boundaries. When disabled, plot data can exceed the boundary.
Plotting Margin Percentage: Select a value to increase or decrease the margin percentage for displaying data while multi view is enabled.
XY Common Parameters
Source Name Y-Axis: Define the Event ID (Store name) for the Y-Axis of the plot.
Click to display a list of available event IDs.
Source Channel: Set to 0 to display all channels. Set to a valid channel number to display a single channel of data.
Source Name X-Axis: Define the Event ID for the X-Axis of the plot. Click
to display a list of available event IDs.
Cloud Points: Set the minimum number of cloud points to display. The maximum number of cloud points will be twice the value set. The plot will refresh when the maximum number is reached.
Multi View Enabled: Enables multi view for viewing multiple channels. When multi view is enabled, Source Channel should be set to 0.
Num Views: Select the number of channels or sort codes to view. By default, channels will be displayed beginning with channel 1.
Num Columns: Select the number of columns to display.
Category Coloring: Selects the trace coloring method. Traces can be seen in a single color (None), one color per channel (By Channel), or one color per sort code (By SortCode).
Data Source Parameter Group
Shared Data Source Parameters
Source Name: Define the Event ID (Store Name) for the plot. Click
to display a list of available event IDs.
Source Channel: Set to 0 to display all channels. Set to a valid channel number to display a single channel of data.
Sorting Code: Set to 0 if a sort parameter has not been defined or will not be used. Set to a valid sort number to display a single sort.
Enabled: Clear the check box to disable the data definition for the plot.
XY Plot Data Source Parameters
Source Name Y-Axis: Define the Event ID (Store name) for the Y-Axis of the
plot. Click to display a list of available event IDs.
Source Channel: Set to 0 to display all channels. Set to a valid channel number to display a single channel of data.
Sorting Code: Set to 0 if a sort parameter has not been defined or will not be used. Set to a valid sort number to display a single sort.
Source Name X-Axis: Define the Event ID (Store name) for the X-Axis of the
plot. Click to display a list of available event IDs.
Enabled: Clear the check box to disable the data definition for the plot.