Read TDT Fiber Photometry Data into UnfoldToolbox Format
This example reads fiber photometry data and converts it to format.
Artifact removal, detrending, dFF calculation is also included.
close all; clear all; clc;
BLOCK_PATH = 'C:\TDT\TDTExampleData\FiPho-180416';
GCAMP = 'x4654';
ISOS = 'x4054';
ART_TIME = 8; % time threshold below which we will discard, in seconds
Read TDT data into MATLAB
data = TDTbin2mat(BLOCK_PATH);
read from t=0.00s to t=583.86s
Artifact removal
There is often a large artifact on the onset of LEDs turning on Remove data below a set time ART_TIME
% Make a time array based on number of samples and sample freq of
% demodulated streams
time_arr = (1:length(data.streams.(GCAMP).data))/data.streams.(GCAMP).fs;
ind = find(time_arr > ART_TIME, 1); % find first index of when time crosses threshold
time_arr = time_arr(ind:end); % reformat vector to only include allowed time
data.streams.(GCAMP).data = data.streams.(GCAMP).data(ind:end);
data.streams.(ISOS).data = data.streams.(ISOS).data(ind:end);
Detrending and dFF
bls = polyfit(data.streams.(ISOS).data, data.streams.(GCAMP).data, 1);
Y_fit_all = bls(1) .* data.streams.(ISOS).data + bls(2);
Y_dF_all = data.streams.(GCAMP).data - Y_fit_all; %dF (units mV) is not dFF
dFF = 100*(Y_dF_all)./Y_fit_all;
std_dFF = std(double(dFF));
Put data and epoc events into UnfoldToolbox format
UF_DATA.filepath = BLOCK_PATH; = dFF;
UF_DATA.pnts = size(dFF, 2);
UF_DATA.srate = data.streams.(GCAMP).fs;
UF_DATA.times = time_arr;
UF_DATA.event = [];
if isstruct(data.epocs)
event_ind = 1;
fff = fields(data.epocs);
for n = 1:numel(fff)
% adjust epocs based on artifact rejection time
if ART_TIME > 0
ind = data.epocs.(fff{n}).onset - ART_TIME > 0;
data.epocs.(fff{n}).onset = data.epocs.(fff{n}).onset(ind) - ART_TIME;
data.epocs.(fff{n}).offset = data.epocs.(fff{n}).offset(ind) - ART_TIME;
data.epocs.(fff{n}).data = data.epocs.(fff{n}).data(ind);
if isfield(data.epocs.(fff{n}), 'notes')
data.epocs.(fff{n}).notes = data.epocs.(fff{n}).notes(ind);
onsets = data.epocs.(fff{n}).onset;
for j = 1:numel(onsets)
UF_DATA.event(event_ind,1).type = fff{n};
UF_DATA.event(event_ind,1).latency = onsets(j);
UF_DATA.event(event_ind,1).value = data.epocs.(fff{n}).data(j);
event_ind = event_ind + 1;