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How to Update Synapse


Licensing - Synapse v96 has a new licensing model. See Synapse Licensing for more information and this FAQ guide.

New Installer Names - 'Synapse Essentials' is now 'Synapse'. 'Synapse Suite' is now two separate packages: 'Synapse' and 'SynapseExtras'. The proper packages are automatically installed for you during the update process below.

Update to the latest version of Synapse by following these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest "TDT Drivers/RPvdsEx" from the downloads page on our website. This installation will require a reboot.

  2. Update the microcode on your devices. (Ensure the RZ system is connected and turned on)

    1. Open zBUSmon (black icon on the desktop or in C:\TDT\zDrv3).

    2. If you see the Update All Devices button, skip to the next step. Otherwise:

      1. Hold down the Shift key and right-click on the RZ in zBusMon.

      2. Select Program RZn_n.

      3. Click the X to close the System3 Device Programmer dialog. This resets the RZ as a G21 device.

      4. The Update All Devices button is now available.

    3. Click the Update All Devices button.

      • A time warning will be displayed. RZ processors may take up to 40 minutes (five minutes per DSP). If your system contains several devices this process could take significant time.
    4. Click Yes to continue.


      The PC should not be used for other tasks while devices are being reprogrammed.

      1. If programming an RX device, a message will be displayed. Press and hold the Mode button on the front panel of the RX device and then click Retry. Release the Mode button when the front panel of the RX device displays Firmware: BLANK or Firmware: Burning.

      2. When programming has completed you are returned to the zBUSmon window and the driver version should be displayed in the device diagram.

  3. In Synapse, go to Menu → About → Check for Updates in Synapse. This will automatically download and install the latest version of Synapse.

  4. Review the Release Notes for this version.

  5. You are ready to begin using Synapse!

Contact TDT after installing to get your license key. Follow the instructions on the Licensing dialog. If you have any questions or problems during your update, contact