OpenController Tech Notes OpenController parameters spontaneously reset Resized OpenController window is too small Using OpenEx clients across a network with Windows 7 IZ2Stim Plot Display Requirements The scroll plot in OpenController fails when using SEV files BoxSort not using all sorting windows Can't use backslash in VBScript with Windows 7 3-D feature space plot missing or not updating correctly PA5 read and write problems in OpenController OpenController save/load parameter states function does not work as expected RX5, RX6, and RX7 VSG not supported for VBScriptEx Running multiple VB scripting components causes OpenController crash Using an OpenEx client across a network with Windows XP OpenController crashes and the error 'MainCtrl caused an exception and has been closed' appears Auto Threshold does not implement artifact rejection Values displayed incorrectly in Data Table International users unable to modify value properties Chart plot displays data incorrectly when viewed in multi-channel mode VBScript components causing OpenController to crash