Registered Tanks are missing or locked

Tech Note: TN0919
Product: OpenEx
Version: v 2.18 and below
Date Added: 2013-05-20


In the OpenEx environment, Data Tanks may be registered or unregistered. Only registered tanks appear in the Tank browser window used by most OpenEx applications (TTankInterfaces). In Windows 7, the current user account determines the location where the tank registration information is stored. As a result, tanks registered by other users may not appear in the TTankInterfaces window when browsing for "registered" tanks.

Demonstration Tanks provided by TDT appear regardless of user account because they are registered in a location that requires administrator privileges to modify. Therefore, they can only be "unregistered" by users who run the application as an administrator. Also, because the user tank list and TDT Demo Tank lists are kept separate but visible, it is possible to register a tank with the same name as a Demo Tank. When accessing that data, it will not be obvious which underlying tank is actually being accessed.


If your group needs all users to have access to the same list of registered Tanks, you will need to use a shared user account. To avoid confusion with Demo Tanks, do not register a tank called Demotank or Demotank2.


Upgrade to v2.20 or above. In v2.20 or above, each user sees the demo tanks and each user can unregister them independently if they wish.