iMn – Analog I/O Modules
TDT’s iMn (iM5, iM7, iM8, iM9, iM10, iM14, iM15) Multi-Function module is designed for basic and complex signal generation and acquisition. The system generates tones, noises, and complex wave forms. The iMn easily acquires signals from microphones, accelerometers, and other devices for advanced audio processing.
To make the system truly multi-functional, TDT added components to control your third-party behavioral devices. These include feeders, cue lights, LEDs, mechano stimulators, or nose pokes.
Choose from different iMn models which include:
- 1-2 analog inputs and outputs
- 1-2 digital inputs and outputs
- 1 or more touch sensors for devices that need a closed circuit, such as lickometers or aversive stimulators

Research Uses
- Behavioral
- Auditory