LxBB5 – Photobleaching Box

Save Significant Time and Effort
Photobleaching your subject fiber (patch cord) is an essential task for fiber photometry recordings to reduce autofluorescence and to maximize your signal-to-noise ratio. Cable manufacturers recommend that users photobleach their patch cords at least once a week.
The traditional way to do this is to connect the subject fiber directly to a LED, run the LED at high power for several hours, and then switch to the next color in your setup. This shortens the life of your photometry LEDs and takes a long time. A three color photometry system takes six hours a week in added time and attention to properly photobleach. This is no longer necessary with the LxBB5.
The LxBB5 is a stand alone photobleaching device that does not require any Synapse, RZ10x / RZ5P, or iCon connections. It has a DC power supply and you can run it anywhere with a nearby outlet. The bleach box sends a powerful broad-spectrum white light through the FC port so you can bleach multiple colors simultaneously.
This is the perfect solution to make fiber bleaching more time and labor efficient.
Built-In Automatic Timer

The LxBB5 has an automatic user-set timer to control how long the LED is on. The front ‘Start’ button will blink to indicate how much time there is left on the bleaching process.
There is no need to monitor the photobleaching process and the light will shut off after the prescribed period.
For All Photometry Systems

The LxBB5 is the perfect addition to any existing fiber photometry system. This includes non-TDT systems! Every fiber photometry setup that uses a patch cord which will have autofluorescence. Save your lab time and hassle by making the LxBB5 your next purchase.