
Behavior + Fiber Photometry

Behavioral Control, Simplified


Specs & Resources

Simultaneously record Fiber Photometry
with time-locked Behavioral data.

TDT has two complete Fiber Photometry systems to simultaneously support Fiber Photometry and Behavioral Neuroscience experimentation, both designed so you can focus on your research, not equipment.

RZ10x with iCon
The RZ10x is an external processor that includes everything you need for Fiber Photometry research built into a single unit with full scalability.  Add the iCon chassis with behavioral modules to your RZ10x to fit the needs of any experimental paradigm.  Additionally, the RZ10x with iCon system is also hardware compatible with most third-party behavioral chambers.

iConZ with iX6
The iConZ is also a chassis for interchangeable behavioral modules, but the iConZ has a built-in processor – eliminating the need for an external TDT processor.  Adding the iX6 Fiber Photometry module to the iConZ provides a lower-cost option for Fiber Photometry, with the same flexibility to integrate behavioral experimentation. The iConZ / iX6 system is also hardware compatible with most third-party behavioral chambers.

Both Fiber Photometry Systems run on TDT’s base software platform, Synapse, which allows extensive control to design, manage and collect data for experiments. TDT’s Pynapse is a Python-based coding interface that integrates with Synapse.  For behavior paradigms, Pynapse controls behavior inputs and outputs, such as lever presses, nose pokes, and pellet dispensers, and drives event-based behavioral states. Pynapse can also process data from our Synapse software online, such as calculating neural firing rates and averaging evoked responses.

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Behavioral Control

TDT offers an ever growing list of behavioral modules to support your research.  Its interchangeable modules include:

  • Video Capture
  • EEG/EMG Recording
  • Fiber Photometry
  • Analog I/O
  • Grid Shock
  • Operant I/O
  • Digital I/O
  • Beam Break


Two examples of adding behavioral control to your Fiber Photometry research:

High Voltage Interface

For third-party devices requiring high voltage, such as food dispensers and lever presses.

Multi-Function Interface

This analog I/O controls auditory speakers and microphones. The interface also has a touch sensor for lickometers.

Other iCon modules are available for IR drivers and sensors (iR5) and digital logic (iL24).

Using the Pynapse Gizmo

Behavior and Fiber Photometry in Synapse

The Synapse software controls all aspects of event-based behavioral tasks and fiber photometry. The Pynapse Gizmo is a coding interface for behavior control for Synapse.

Pynapse makes it easy to program event-based behavior and drive the iCon. Encoded states will change based on subject inputs via the iCon, other event outcomes, or timers. Information in Pynapse is easily accessible from MATLAB and Excel, and all data is saved into one log file for easy retrieval.

Use Synapse and Pynapse to run self-administration and fear-conditioning tasks.

TDT Supports Your Research

From simple to sophisticated, TDT’s neuroscience research systems are out-of-the-box solutions designed so you can focus on your research, not the equipment.

Trusted in labs since 1988, TDT is the only Neuroscience Equipment and Software provider that offers:

  • 5-Year Warranty (2-Year warranty on all LUX pods, cables, and headstages)
  • Extended Warranty Options
  • Free Lifetime Technical Support
  • Tech Support provided by Ph.D. Level Scientists


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RZ10 with integrated Lux LEDs - LEDS