

Real-time electrophysiology and closed-loop stimulation

Customizable Neurophysiology

All TDT electrophysiology systems are scalable for growing and evolving your research. Any multi-channel recording system easily expands for higher channel counts or added capabilities, such as neural stimulation, awake-behaving recording, or integrated behavior control.

Built around real-time digital signal processors and programmed with an easy-to-use Synapse Software, TDT combines unmatched power and flexibility with ease of use.

Choose Your Ephys Configuration

Digitizing Headstage

Select TDT’s digitizing ZIF-clip headstage – with an integrated Intan chip – for your high channel count mouse studies.

Analog Amplifier

Or select TDT’s analog PZ5 amplifier and ZIF-clip headstages for high quality LFP and EEG recordings.

Electrical Stimulation

The Subject Interface expands on the PZ5 with the addition of dynamic electrical stimulation. Use the switching headstage to simultaneously stimulate and record through the same electrode array.