
Optical Neuroscience

Research systems for fiber photometry, optogenetics, and more

What is LUX?

LUX is the next generation of research tools for calcium-imaging and optogenetics

Recording and stimulating with light has rapidly expanded the neuroscience toolkit. LUX incorporates calcium imaging and optogenetics into a single, turn-key device.

With LUX, perform stand-alone fiber photometry experiments or easily expand to synchronize with behavior and electrophysiology. Record and stimulate from customized LEDs and precisely control your designed experiment.

LUX Product Catalog
TDT In Vivo Fluorescence experiments

Optical Neuroscience:

Calcium imaging and optogenetics have revolutionized how neuroscientists understand neural circuitry.

Calcium imaging: Record from 100s to 1000s of neurons, targeting a structure or functional pathway.

Optogenetic stimulation: Target specific neurons and structures with increased resolution compared to electrical stimulation.

Standard electrophysiology: Record from 10s to a few 100s of neurons with no specificity.

*Data courtesy of UCLA Miniscope – Miniaturized fluorescent microscopy of GCaMP neurons

Closing the Loop with Optogenetics:

When time synchronization is critical, LUX can deliver precise closed-loop control. Generate real-time triggers for closed loop stimulation and evoked responses from fiber photometry and more.

Synapse and TDT hardware easily integrates your optogenetic and fiber photometry data with synchronized behavioral, video, and electrophysiological signals.

Behavior: Easily integrate third party behavioral codes from multiple operant boxes with your fiber photometry recordings and view evoked responses in real-time. Trigger optogenetic stimulation from behavioral events.

Video: Synchronize video recordings from up to two USB cameras. Incorporate scoring and timestamps both online and offline. Grab video frames during triggered events for analysis.

Electrophysiology: With the PZ5 amplifier, record up to 32 channels of single-unit activity, as well as LFP, EEG, and EMG. TDT’s ground-isolated amplifiers simplify recordings from multiple animals.

Optogenetics - Channelrhodopsin (ChR2)

Why TDT?

TDT’s engineering knowledge of real-time signal processing and 20+ years of electrophysiology expertise are the backbones for a new era in calcium-based and optogenetic neuroscience.

Turn-key Device:

TDT developed the first fiber photometry system that uses lock-in amplification for simultaneous multi-color signal detection. With this feature, researchers can easily view, acquire, and analyze GCaMP and other fiber photometry responses in real-time.


The LUX processors seamlessly incorporate calcium imaging and optogenetic stimulation with behavioral monitoring and classic electrophysiology. TDT’s focus on expandability and integration allows researchers to collect all their neuroscience data in one place.

Customer Support:

TDT emphasizes user-friendly interfaces and strong support to help researchers get experiments up and running faster. We know our products and we know your work. It is our goal to have the best customer support in the business.


Fiber photometry

The RZ10X is TDT’s upgraded system for integrated fiber photometry. The processor includes integrated drivers and LUX LED sources and photosensors for GCaMP, dLight, RCaMP and other fluorophore recordings in multiple animal or sites. Incorporate simultaneous optogenetic stimulation from a wide selection of wavelengths to further probe complex neural circuits.

Synapse software simplifies hardware configuration and data acquisition with its user-friendly interface. View GCaMP evoked responses in real-time during free-moving behavior. You can also integrate behavioral codes from multiple operant boxes. Easily expand the TDT system by incorporating video tracking and multi-channel electrophysiology (up to 32 channels).