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Welcome to TDT Knowledge Hub

This site is the home for all TDT hardware and software documentation, guides for specific applications, and tech notes for troubleshooting.

System 3 Hardware

Hardware ManualsManual and tech specs for all TDT System 3 HardwareUpdated 2024/12/19

zBusMon Test UtilityTest hardware communicationUpdated 2023/06/06

Corpus Hardware EmulatorEmulate hardware for remote experiment designUpdated 2023/06/06

I/O DelaysSample delay considerations for TDT hardware I/O and Synapse

TDTRP (ActiveX) User GuideDirect control of hardware using ActiveX in MatlabUpdated 2024/01/08

Synapse Software

SynapseMulti-channel acquisition and stim presentation softwareUpdated 2024/12/19

PynapsePython integration inside SynapseUpdated 2024/12/19

Synapse APIControl Synapse from custom applications outside SynapseUpdated 2024/01/08

Lab Rat User GuideGetting Started with Lab Rat and SynapseLiteUpdated 2023/06/06

BioSig Software

BioSigRZABR & DPOAE recording and analysis software for RZ6Updated 2023/06/19

SigGenRZStimulus Signal Design Application for BioSigRZUpdated 2023/06/06

Data Tools

Offline Data Analysis Tools Tools for reading Synapse data into Python & MatlabUpdated 2024/12/05

Online Control and Data Analysis ToolsTools for reading live Synapse dataUpdated 2024/11/22

OpenScope User GuideData Replayer and Online Viewer for SynapseUpdated 2023/06/15

OpenEx Supplement for Synapse UsersOpenBrowser referenceUpdated 2019/06/14

OpenExplorer User Guide

Application Guides

Fiber Photometry User GuideFiber Photometry Guide using the RZ10x processorUpdated 2024/11/22

ABR User GuideABR Measurements with RZ6 and Medusa4ZUpdated 2024/12/05

DPOAE User GuideDPOAE Measurements with RZ6Updated 2024/08/02

Electrical Stimulation User GuideElectrical Stimulation with Subject Interface (SI)Updated 2024/02/20

fMRI User GuideEphys Recording in fMRI using TDTUpdated 2024/01/23

Understanding Digital I/OUnderstanding Digital I/OUpdated 2024/01/09

Channel Mapping GuideChannel Mapping GuideUpdated 2024/01/31

Fiber Photometry for RZ5P

ABR User Guide for RA4PA

DPOAE User Guide for ER10B


Tech NotesKnown issues & anomalies with TDT hardware & softwareUpdated 2024/12/19

Lightning VideosShort video tips and tricks when using your TDT systemUpdated 2024/12/19

Other PDF Manuals

System 3 UL Operator's Manual
System 3 Installation Guide RZ2 UL Operator's Manual
RPvdsEx Manual RZ5, RZ6, RZ10 UL Operator's Manual
ActiveX Manual ZB1PS UL Operator's Manual
OpenEx BioSigRP Pyschophysics
OpenEx User Guide SigGenRP User Guide PsychRP Manual
SpikePac User Guide BioSigRP User Guide SykoFizX Manual
OpenSorter User Guide SigCalRP User Guide
OpenDeveloper Reference Manual
I/O Delays